Have funds under savings? Is long-term insurance for me?
Long-term care insurance ! Is the insurance policy which is designed solely for the coverage of long-term care. Long-term care is the assistance needed for the day to day activities of a person due to chronic illness/injury or aging. Now with this, the first thought which comes into a person mind is that- Already I am saving for my future, have set my retirement goals, do I really need to purchase a long-term care insurance? I have my savings and my family is there to take care of me in the future are the first things which tend towards dismissing the decision of purchasing a long-term care insurance. There is a constant doubt in every individual mind towards whether to contribute a sum of money now towards the insurance for potential cost down the road, or just the savings would do the job. A living facility or a hospital bed would cost around 20,000$ per person, isn’t this high? Not only will it tend towards depleting your savings but also let you compromise your...